Vicky Zhou
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Veterinary Assistant

Vicky Zhou

Meet Vicky, one of Ivy Pet's dedicated Veterinary Assistants! 🩺✨

Vicky is genuinely excited and fully prepared to extend a helping hand to our beloved furry companions in their times of need. From the heartwarming wagging tails to the soothing purrs, she firmly believes that our furry, feathered, and scaled friends bring immeasurable joy and enrichment to our lives. 🐶🐱 And now, Vicky is privileged to work alongside our highly skilled veterinarians, providing exceptional medical care, comfort, and affection to our cherished patients. Let's come together and celebrate the marvelous realm of veterinary medicine with Vicky! 🌟🦴🩺


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Brooklyn Location
Email 1

Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm

Sat-Sun: 10am - 3pm

Hours 1

1930 Avenue M

Brooklyn, NY 11230

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Tribeca Location
Email 2
Hours 2

256 West St,
New York, NY 10013

Mon-Fri: 8am - 5pm

Language Assistance Available: Español, Pусский, Italiano, ქართული

©2023 by Ivy Pets

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